What is Prostate Cancer:

The Prostate is a small walnut-sized gland in men that produces seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperms. Prostate cancer is cancer occurs in the Prostate.

Prostate Cancer grows slowly and is confined to the Prostate gland but some types of the Prostate Cancer are aggressive that spreads quickly, regular screening can detect cancer in good times when it is still confined to the prostate gland and has better treatment options.

Prostate Cancer has no specific symptoms, if symptoms appear it includes frequent urge to urinate, troubled urination, difficulty in maintaining the stream, blood in semen and urine, pain during urination and ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. In advanced prostate cancer, bone pain often in the spine, femur, pelvis and ribs including urinary and fecal incontinence are seen.

A blood test called PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) is primarily used to screen Prostate Cancer. PSA is a protein produced by normal and cancerous cells of Prostate, high level of PSA (Results above 20 ) indicates the presence of Prostate Cancer. Other diagnostic measures include digital rectal examination, ultrasound and imaging studies such as bone scan, CT and PET scans are performed.


The treatment options depend on how fast cancer is growing, how much it has spread and the general condition of an individual.

Non- metastatic or localized prostate cancer– treatment options include observation, radical prostatectomy, brachytherapy (placing radioactive inside the body) and hormonal therapy.

Metastatic or Advanced Prostate Cancer
Hormone Therapy: In this treatment the hormonal medications are given in order to stop the body from producing testosterone and block the testosterone from reaching cancer cells.

Orchiectomy: A surgical procedure, were one or both the testicles are removed to stop the production of testosterone which suppresses the growth of cancerous cells.

Cryosurgery/Cryoablation: It is killing the cancer cells by freezing it is done by using cold gas needles and inserted into the cancerous cells of the prostate.

Chemotherapy: Use of drugs to kill the cancerous cells of the prostate which is administered via a vein or in pill form.

Surgical Management In Advanced Cancer:

Robotic Prostatectomy Or Robotic Surgery: A minimally invasive and less traumatic treatment by using a special instrument called da Vinci surgical system which is performed by using finely controlled robotic instrument consisting of high resolution camera and micro surgical instruments which is inserted into the abdomen through several small incisions and the surgeon uses the hand controls to guide the robot and move the instrument to remove the prostate.

Open Prostatectomy:

This procedure is performed under general anesthesia by making an incision of 4 to 5 inches on the abdomen to make the critical structures in and around prostate to be seen and then the surgeon detaches the prostate gland from the bladder and urethra. Finally, a catheter is placed to aid in the healing process.

Laparoscopic Prostatectomy:

It is less invasive than open prostatectomy, performed under general anesthesia were the surgeon makes small incisions on the abdomen to insert the camera and surgical instruments then the surgeon carefully removes the prostate gland from surrounding tissues.